Pioneering Australian truffles since 2007
There’s no other flavour quite like truffle. The heady aroma. Pungent. Intense. Decadent. We produce premium quality fresh, canned, and ready-to-eat truffle products, ranging from honey, aioli, butter, and mustard, to sauces, salsas, and oils. Jarred, bottled or wrapped in a gift pack—we’ve done it all.

Our Journey
Our story starts back in 1997 when truffles were first planted in Western Australia. The first successful Western Australia truffle harvest didn’t happen until 2005. Adam Wilson, the founder of Great Southern Truffles, was part of that era. Adam always knew we could do better. A business born from passion, we came out of the gates swinging, punching far above our weight from the start.
We’re extremely proud of where we’ve come from; from the scrappy upstarts of the Great Southern, with five full-time staff, we’ve grown into a leading name in the truffle industry, buying and processing a large percentage of the Australian truffles.

We’ve sold and distributed truffles to some of the most celebrated chefs in Australia, Europe, Asia, and the USA.
We pioneered hunting and grading truffles in our little corner of the globe. And with over 15 years of experience in hunting, harvesting, and grading this enigmatic little fungus, both locally and internationally, it’s safe to say that we know what we’re doing.
With our experienced team and highly-trained dogs, we’re going to keep harvesting magic from the rich Western Australian soil and continue bringing our fresh truffles and truffle products to the world.